12 FREE Online Study Tools Every Student Should Know About

There is a common misconception that the internet is not conducive to studying-it is all cat videos and social networking. Many websites exist, however, dedicated to teaching new skills, managing everyday life, and helping students study for exams.

In this article, we’ll highlight 12 online study tools dedicated to becoming your new study buddy. Sites and apps that offer time management tools, digital flashcards, self-made quizzes, study games, or other educational tools can help students of all ages prepare for upcoming tests, all for the low, low price of absolutely nothing.


Learners who enjoy visuals, rejoice. Its unique feature is its mind maps, a web of information that breaks down broad subjects into smaller sections. You can see how things are connected when you create a map. In addition to helping with memorization, this is also helpful for understanding.

Additionally, the site features flashcards, a note-taking platform, self-created quizzes, a study planner, a collaboration tool, and a way to track how much you’re learning. In addition to being versatile, this tool can also be accessed across multiple platforms for on-the-go study.


You provide the information, and Quizlet provides the study tools. There are no limits to the subjects users can create “sets” for. In addition to flashcards, quizzes, practice tests, matching games, and auditory tools, the website will also generate flashcards and quizzes based on the set. Additionally, Quizlet has a free app for learning on the go and studying even offline.

With Scatter and Space Race, you can learn the material while having fun. Scatter allows users to drag definitions or information to their related counterparts as quickly as possible, clearing the screen. Space Race requires you to type in the correct word or phrase associated with each definition before it reaches its end. 

You can compete to get the best times with leader-boards and high-scores, adding motivation to your studies.


Studying can sometimes involve several platforms, but Evernote lets you keep all your notes, information, and research in one place. A fantastic organizational tool, this site syncs your info across computers and phones, allows sharing with others, gathers web-clips, and allows you to create all from one place.

The possibilities with Evernote are endless: organizing research paper information, organizing presentation notes, creating study guides from in-class notes, not to mention everyday non-school-related tasks.


For this website, collaboration is the name of the game. StudyBlue connects students with similar learning goals and subjects, allowing them to share flashcards, study guides, and more. In addition, StudyBlue can connect students in specific classes, allowing them to collaborate on projects and message each other.

Additionally, the site offers a diverse library of content, multiple study modes, class-based study guides, notes storage, and a real-time self-assessment tool that tracks your progress. StudyBlue can also be used on the go thanks to its free mobile app.

Marinara Timer

This site is not about making you hungry for spaghetti, but about increasing productivity. Inspired by the Pomodoro method of productivity—working for 25 minutes and taking a 5-minute break—Marinara Timer allows you to customize your own personal timer (complete with entertaining alarm sounds like an alien bot ordering lunch or echoing into space) to study effectively.

Studying with a short break increases attention span, focus, and productivity. As you scroll through your Twitter feed or watch a few funny videos, this site can let you know when it’s time to reward yourself for your hard work. The program then informs you when it’s time to get back to work.


It’s never been easier to study with flashcards. StudyStack allows users to create flashcard sets and use those already created by others. When a card is flipped, you can choose whether you got it right or wrong. It’s an excellent tool for memorization because you repeat the wrong cards until you’ve mastered them.

After creating the site, the information can be turned into a number of useful tools and games. Before taking quizzes and practice tests, you can play hangman, unscramble, or a matching game.


Are you interested in learning more about stress management? How about setting up a weekly schedule for writing an essay? HowToStudy provides students with access to a wide variety of studying resources on the Internet. Easy-to-navigate and straightforward, HowToStudy organizes resources by subject. 

The website also provides guides on how to study, from starting a study session to managing test anxiety, as its name suggests.


Tracking assignments, tests, and events makes planning study time much easier. Keeping track of due dates is easy with Schooltraq, an online digital planner. It syncs between your phone and computer, so you won’t lose your schedule like with traditional paper agendas.

The design is sleek and simple, allowing for clarity and reducing stress. Managing school life becomes easier when you have all your ducks in a row. Since you can use this site for your personal life as well as studying for your next test, you can use it for more than just studying.


During college, it is important to ensure your grammar and spelling are correct. With Grammarly, you can ensure that your study and written work are correct if your writing needs a bit of help. You can use the add-on for your browser to correct your writing and learn where you can improve your writing. It is easy to use, informative, and provides suggestions for improving your writing.

The free tool can assist you with your approach to work whether you are writing an email or collaborating on a project. You learn from the experience not only by identifying what needs to be changed, but also why it needs to be changed.


What are your learning methods? If visual stimuli help you approach your study time more effectively, then Hippocampus may be a good fit for you. It offers free information and multimedia content on a variety of topics, from economics to religion.

You can access 7,000 videos on all the topics available on the website. You can also find other collections or tools on the website that will help you further your education.


Can’t keep track of all the flashcards you have? Do you love flashcards, but can’t keep track of all the cards you have? Do you want to study easier on the go or whenever you have a free moment? Your best friend can be the Tinycards app by Duolingo.

There are a wide variety of flashcards available in this app, from the periodic table to Greek philosophers to Antarctic animals. Additionally, since it’s Duolingo, there are tons of flashcards for different languages.

Having trouble finding the flashcard deck you need? You can create one tailored to your studies and share it with others!

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is another fantastic option for those who wish to study and learn outside of the classroom. Using this free resource, you can find classes tailored to your education level and interests. Basic geometry, electrical engineering, organic chemistry, microeconomics, personal finance, and more can be found here.

Khan will provide you with courses to help you reach your goals once you select your interests. Keep track of your progress with the program!

There are many sites on this list that offer upgraded packages or “pro” accounts for a fee. Nevertheless, every single one of them offers free tools that any student can use. Find out which one helps you out the most by trying them out.

Happy studying!

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